jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013

The Awakening of Conscionsness

 Thirteen steps to the Awakening of Consciousness by Nuria Castro.

1. The Awakening of Consciousness is the path to internal transformation...

 The Awekening of Consciousness. ArtSkanner. Nuria Castro. Purchase in: http://fineartamerica.com/featured/1-the-awakening-of-consciousness-nuria-castro.html


The internal transformation begins in the mind. We make an introspective act to deepen into
our interior...
 The Mind. ArtSkanner. Nuria Castro.
Purchase in http://fineartamerica.com/featured/the-mind-nuria-castro.html

3. HorizonZen

In our inner landscape we discover ourselves. Deepening in our memories, we become conscious of the old patrons that make us live in fear and feelings of guilt...
 HorizonZen: digital painting Nuria Castro. Purchase in:


If we are capable of assuming responsability for all our actions and knowing that they have been necessary to arrive to our present: here and now, we can reconciliate and forgive with  ourselves. We Find inner peace, and with this our heal.

 Illuminary. Digital painting. Nuria Castro.
Purchase in:http://fineartamerica.com/featured/illuminary-nuria-castro.html


Healed and liberated from the old patrons, is when we can reside and flow from the higher heart or sacred heart and activate the flow of divine energy.

 Flow. Digital painting. Nuria Castro.
Purchase in: http://fineartamerica.com/featured/flow-nuria-castro.html?newartwork=true


The fall of established dogmas frees new knowledge and reestablishes the Spiritual essence of things. One of the concepts that rescue us in this prayer is the balance of the femenine with masculine, calling it God Father-Mother and it´s evident the importance of harmonizing these energies:

This the lord prayer directly translated from the arameo:

Father-Mother, Breathing of the life, Source of the sound, non word action, creator of cosmos!

Let your light shine inside us, among us and out of us, so that we can make it useful.

Help us follow our way breathing only the feeling that originates in you.

Let ourselves at the same step, be with yourself, so that we walk as Kings and Queens do with every other creature.

Let your will together with ours be an only one, in all light as in all forms, in every individual existence as in every community.

Make us feel the earth´s soul inside ourselves, as this way, we will feel the wisdom existing in everything.

Don´t let shallowness or appearence of worldly goods fool us, and free us of all that obstructs our growth.

Let us not forget that you are the power and glory of the world, the song that is renewed from time to time, and that turns everything into a beauty.

Let your love be only where our actions grow.


  Fother-Mother. Digital painting. Nuria Castro. Purchase in: http://fineartamerica.com/featured/father-mother-nuria-castro.html#comment7565560

The sacred femenine light is the flame of spiritual femenine force, the energy of the Divine cosmic mother. To connect with her light and to channel her energy helps to heal Mother Earth..

 Sacred Femenine Light. Mixed media. Núria Castro. Purchase in:http://fineartamerica.com/featured/-sacred-femenine-light-nuria-castro.html


Gratitude, beauty, care compasion and acceptance are femenine qualities that have been removed, they are waiting to be reestablished...

This short film said: 

If you are Dad, where’s Mum? If you are the father, I am the mother.

Benefactress, benevolent, intuitive, compassionate Wet, ceaseless soil.  Prolific womb.  Cup.

I am the mother: light, light of wisdom.  Eternal breeder and forever, Rejected, confused, prostituted.

‘Lost’ Just as her babies.
 The femenine energy should flower in the men and women hearts
A sea of dreams. Water color and acrilic on linex. Nuria Castro. Purchase in:http://fineartamerica.com/featured/flower-nuria-castro.html


We also need to harmonize the masculine energy. Men should stop being the warrior", to be able to embrace the power of the leader capable of feeding and caring for others, in defending the light through love and creativity...

Human Nature. Water color and acrilic on linex. Nuria Castro.
Purchase in:http://fineartamerica.com/featured/human-nature-nuria-castro.html


With the balance of the masculine and femenine energies, we allow them to convert into complementary aspects of the same energy. In turn the separation and oposition of this duality falls.

Duality. Digital media. Nuria Castro. Purchase in: http://fineartamerica.com/featured/duality-nuria-castro.html



In the Unity of the complementary energies together they merge in the twin flame of the sacred heart: The Law of One" is established, the Higher truth that everything is one Spirit.
Harmony of One. Mixed media. Nuria Castro. Purchase in: http://fineartamerica.com/featured/harmony-of-one-nuria-castro.html?newartwork=true

13. I AM.

Finally, the Awakening of Consciousness is produced by the understanding that our phisical body is the temple of the I AM presence: the God of the Universe. God-Father-Mother in action!

I AM. Mixta digital. Nuria Castro. Purchase in: http://fineartamerica.com/featured/i-am-nuria-castro.html?newartwork=true